This is our dine-in menu for Tuesday to Saturday.
A slightly reduced menu is available on Monday nights. Click here to view the Monday night menu.
Click here to order take away.
A limited menu is also available for delivery via DoorDash.
*Not all dishes on the video menu are currently available. It is a sample only.
Available from 4pm
Available from 4pm

Available from 5pm
Available from 5pm

Available from 5pm
(V) Vegan (G) Gluten Free
Please let your waiter know of any allergies. While every effort is made to cater for allergies, we cannot guarantee that all foods and ingredients will be completely free of traces of nuts, gluten and shellfish.
1.6% credit card surcharge applies. Red Lantern is fully licensed with no BYO available. A 10% surcharge applies on public holidays.

FOLLOW US @redlanterngroup

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